Saturday, February 28, 2009


ok......since i have been long time didn't post new topic in my let me update something that is very crapping in my blog.......

today, sunday, a day that we meet up with god....yeah!!!....i always looking forward for every sunday...although sometime it really need to wake up early to the morning...of course today also as well......

Ex president of MIW amy, asking me to fetch her to church because she made a appoitment with current MIW committee member, just to teach them some new song in order to perform much more variety of song during praise and wake up around 8, bursh teeth..kencing...then go down eat nasi lemak and roti kosong that bought by my eldest bath and reay up myself then rush to sarah house 1st followed by amy's house.....having some chit chat in car with both of them..

IN church we attend sunday services together with MIW member in the big hall..coz is the 1st week of march......saw them busying to the' homework"..but i think this system is good for them....let them concentrade during the paster's speech....en....

During usual...we practice hard and having some joke as well......haha........celine took her violin....nice..and romantic..i wish to learn it next time one of my long term target....haha.......At the end of the choir practise we learn and revice some new piano skill......i was so nervious...because i am noob and suck in music......but anyway..i managed to answer correct answer....

WE having fun like every sunday.......we met..we talked..we shared..we worship lord...And most important is....we laught and smile together when something funny...this is wat we called harmony!!!!..

P/S: is a very stupid post..i know....some 1 will throw banana and egg to just hope that...every sunday we will prepare ourself.......spend a day with your lovely god....

GOD bless us....God bless The world...Mucho Gracias......Adios hasta la vista

LOoking forward to play badminton and also try to ready up myself for business project..come on!!!! cho!!!!

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